Friday, May 21, 2010

Here is a relatively new piece of work. At this point I'm spending a lot of time in my studio at 1103 Union street in making my new line and making more of the oldies but still popular pieces. This summer has a number of events and courses I'll be offering in the Jewellery world.
At Capilano University
Continuing Education
Unique Jewellery Making for Teens
July 12th to 16th 12:00 to 4:00
Swing & Bling July 26th to 30th for teens
All day
contact camps
Throughout the summer I 'll be selling my work in two locations
Ladner Village Market 2010 on 48th Avenue Delta, BC
June 13th & 27th
August 8th & 22and
Sept 12th
Arnold Mikelson Festival of the Arts 2010
13743-16th Ave. White Rock, Surrey, B.C. V4A1P7
July10th & 11th & 17th, & 18th
the current stores that carry my work are Janis Dean Johnston, Railspur alley, Granville Island
Van Yperen Goldsmiths
4425 West 10th Avenue Vancouver
Silk Weaving studio
#15 1531 Johnston Street
Granville Island Vancouver
Arts off Main
216 East 28th Ave

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I found this beautiful ramp out side the Vancouver court house durring the Olympics. I 'd like to make it a symbol for what I'm learning these day about the mind and all the differences that the current research on the autisim spectrum and Learning Disablities is uncovering
Yesterday I met a photographer outside my studio taking pictures of the Magnolia tree that lives outside the building. He said that he posts pictures of flowers and plants on filcker and some times gets paid for it, I thought Wow what a great life taking pictures of beautiful flowers and plants I do this all the time my computer has hundereds stored on . Almost everyone would agree that flowers are beautiful . I've spent my life trying to create things that are beautiful. Now at this stage in my life I think beauty is that defining moment inside that says "that beautiful" which can be a lot of things for many people. It is the frequency in which the moment occurs which is important.

Flowers and Beauty